Forecast budgeting for online business owners

Take Control Of Your Finances With Our New and Improved Budget Tracking Method

Popular Budgeting Apps Won't Let You See Your Financial Future... So Fincaster Effortlessly Tracks Your Current And Future Expenses For You!

Fincaster App Interface

Plan Ahead For Vacations, Investments, Subscriptions, And Overhead With Fincaster; Your All-In-One Financial GPS

Ever Feel Like You're One Step Away From A Financial Mishap? We Get It.

Budgeting Isn't Just About How Much Money You Have Now. It's About How Much Money You'll Have In The Future

Most people don't stick to strict budgeting systems because they're too complex and inflexible. I know this because I've tried them all.

Nothing helped me see how much money I would have in the bank at a future date, except for… spreadsheets.

Boring and time-consuming. I know.


As an online business owner, you're no stranger to the financial rollercoaster.

One day you're flush with cash, the next you're scrambling to pay the bills. It's a constant juggling act, with payments coming in on all different dates and expenses going out just as unexpectedly.

The worst part? When your business finances get so tangled up with your personal life it's impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.

But what if there was a way to bring some order to the chaos?

To know, with absolute certainty, that your budget is on track and your plan is rock-solid?

That's where Fincaster comes in

Instead of relying on a jumbled mess of spreadsheets and guesswork, Fincaster gives you a crystal-clear view of your financial future.

You can see every single transaction, planned out 30 days in advance. No more nasty surprises or last-minute scrambles.

Start My Free 15-Day Free Trial
Fincaster mockups on laptop and phoneFincaster mockups on laptop and phone

Even Better, Fincaster Keeps Your Business And Personal Finances Separate!

No more mixing up inventory costs with family vacations. It's all there, neatly organized and easy to understand.

Are You Ready To Start Taking Control Of Your Finances, For Real This Time?

Browse Through Our Monthly Payment Plans


Perfect for online business owners and freelancers who need to keep their finances on track




  • Running Balance Projection Get a real-time view of your future bank balance, eliminating guesswork and ensuring financial clarity.
  • Financial Goal Management Set, track, and achieve your financial targets with ease, helping you stay focused and motivated.
  • Balance Tracking Chart Visualize your financial journey with an intuitive chart, making it easy to monitor your progress and make informed decisions.
  • Recurring Transaction Support Automate and manage recurring expenses and income, saving you time and effort.
  • Predict Your Balance 3 years Ahead Plan long-term with confidence, using Fincaster’s advanced forecasting to anticipate your financial standing years ahead.
Start your 15-day free trial.
Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered

  • Anyone can use Fincaster! We have plans for wherever you're at in life. Whether your finances are simple and you just want to track better...or a business owner with complicated cash flow siutations. And everyone in-between.
  • At this time we are not offering bank connections as the majority of providers for bank data do not offer reliable connections. We are actively researching this though and if you're still interested in this feature, please let us know!
  • We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're unhappy with the service at all. Feel free to cancel anytime from within the app, and we will refund your most recent payment. No questions asked.

  • Send us an email at